最后比利时帅哥在他生日那天请全组的人去他家吃他亲手操刀作的belgium pancake,的确很好吃,我喜欢那种卷起来的吃法。我要到了recipe,分享一下:
· ½ kg baking mix
· ½ liter (full-fat) milk
· ½ liter water
· 150 gram unsalted butter
· 2 eggs
· 2 packs of vanilla sugar
· Two table spoons of crystalline sugar
How to make the dough:
Put the baking mix in a large recipient. Make a hole in the middle for the vanilla sugar. Slowly add the milk while stirring continuously, start from the middle, until you have a homogeneous dough. Divide the yolk from the white of the eggs and mix the yolk in the dough. Slowly add the water to the dough while stirring. Melt the butter and mix slowly in the dough. Mix the sugar through the dough. Beat the white of the eggs in foam and mix the foam very carefully with the dough.
How to bake the pancakes:
Pour the dough in a large pan. Turn the pancake as soon as you can (but not too soon or it will break). You do not need to add any fat to the pan, but it helps to put a little butter before the first pancake to get started.